10 Natural Cleaning Recipes Everyone Should Know by Heart (2024)

  • Cleaning
  • Home Cleaning

Sarah Landrum

Sarah Landrum

Sarah Landrum is a freelance writer and blogger. She is also the founder of the career and lifestyle blog, Punched Clocks. For advice about creating a career you love and are excited about, subscribe to Sarah's newsletter and follow her on social media.

published Dec 16, 2016






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10 Natural Cleaning Recipes Everyone Should Know by Heart (1)

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Is your cleaning mantra “When in doubt, douse it in bleach”? While you might feel confident your house is sanitary and squeaky clean, you can’t always trust that your health isn’t suffering—the problem with many household chemical cleaners is that they’re actually toxic to your health.

Instead, you might want to try borrowing a greener, cleaner recipe from your grandmother. She’d break out the baking soda and vinegar and have the house sparkling before you woke up from your nap. It’s just those kind of classic, affordable and naturally effective household cleaners that every adult should know by heart.

1. Foaming Hand Soap

Make your own foaming hand soap by combining liquid castile soap and water. Fill your dispenser with a fifth of the liquid castile, then pour in water until full. Optional: add a few drops of a scented essential oil to the recipe for fragrance.

2. All-Purpose Cleaner

Create the simplest all-purpose cleaner by mixing one part vinegar to one part water. (Remember: never apply vinegar-based products to marble, granite or stone—in its place, use vodka or rubbing alcohol.) A vinegar-and-water spray is also wonderful to use for streak-free windows and mirrors.

3. Oven Cleaner

For this oven cleaner, you only need baking soda, vinegar, steel wool and elbow grease. A silicone spatula makes a good scraping implement for stubborn areas. You’ll also want a spray bottle, gloves and damp dish cloth.

Take out the oven racks. Fill the spray bottle with vinegar for even application, and spray down the interior of the oven. Sprinkle baking soda, especially over the greasy parts. It’ll bubble. You’ll get to the sides when scrubbing. Let the mixture set for several minutes to an hour.

After the mixture has set, use your elbow grease while wearing rubber gloves. Scrub down the oven using your steel wool and a damp cloth to wipe away. If the oven is especially gross, coat it with a baking soda paste (add a bit of water to the baking soda). Let it sit overnight, and scrub again. Make sure you wipe down the oven afterwards to remove traces of baking soda.

It’s easy to unclog the drain with baking soda and water. You may need to add vinegar to the mix for truly gunky drains. Set two cups of water on the stove to boil. Pour a half cup of baking soda into the drain, then pour the boiling water down the drain while it’s still hot.

For super-gunky drains, you can add the half-cup of baking soda to the drain and follow up with a half-cup of vinegar. Cover the drain with a small saucer or pot until the bubbling slows down. Then, pour the boiling water down the drain. Repeat as needed.

5. Cast Iron Cleaner

Cast iron pans are meant to be cleaned with minimal effort. All you need is heat, water and a sponge. Never use dish soap. Heat the pan, grip with a pot holder, scrub and dry. For tougher cast iron stains, mix equal parts olive oil and coarse salt and scrub. Rinse with hot water and dry.

6. Pan Degreaser

Use elbow grease and salt to degrease your pans. That’s it! Just scrub the grime away!

7. Tile Cleaner

Make a baking soda paste (add a few drops of water) to clean your tile. Then follow-up with all-purpose cleaning spray to wash away residue.

8. Floor Wash

A homemade floor wash is just as effective as commercial cleaners. Fill a bucket with hot water, then add a half-cup each of white vinegar and vodka (or rubbing alcohol) and two tablespoons of dish soap.

9. Air Purifier

The beauty about homemade air purifiers and fresheners is that you can customize the recipe to your preferences. You’ll need:

  • ¾ cup water
  • 2 tablespoons vodka (optional)
  • Any combination of essential oils
  • One eight-ounce spray bottle

In your spray bottle, combine the water and vodka. Then comes the fun: To make your house smell like chai, combine four drops cardamom, three drops cassia, three drops clove and two drops ginger essential oils. For a floral and air purifying spray, use up to ten drops of lavender essential oil. Add your chosen oils to your spray bottle and spritz in the room as needed.

10. Bleach Rival

To make a natural cleaner that rivals bleach, combine half a cup of baking soda with one teaspoon castile soap and one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mixture to surfaces with a cloth and rinse with another clean, damp cloth.

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10 Natural Cleaning Recipes Everyone Should Know by Heart (2024)


What is the best homemade all-purpose cleaner recipe? ›

DIY All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe
  1. 1/4 cup vinegar.
  2. 12-20 drops essential oil.
  3. 1 tsp castile or phosphorous-free dish soap or washing soda.
  4. 2 cups boiled or distilled water.

How do you make all-purpose cleaner with alcohol and vinegar? ›

Mix 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and 5 drops of peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle. Wipe down with a microfiber cloth. Clean surfaces naturally.

How do you make a natural spray and wipe? ›

In your spray bottle, mix two parts vinegar to three parts water. Add in a small squirt of dishwashing liquid, and if using, 10-20 drops of your essential oil of choice. Screw the nozzle back on, give the bottle a good shake, and you're ready to spray and wipe!

What is the best natural cleaner? ›

Simple, common grocery items like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon can be extremely effective. And since they're non-toxic and you're combining them yourself, you know they're not harming you.

What happens when you mix vinegar and lemon juice? ›

Mixing vinegar and lemon juice creates a safe and natural cleaning solution with antibacterial properties, suitable for various household cleaning tasks. However, it should not be mixed with bleach due to the release of toxic gases and should be avoided on delicate surfaces like marble or brass to prevent damage.

Which 2 ingredients make great DIY household cleaner? ›

Some of the items in your pantry (like baking soda and vinegar) work as effective homemade all-purpose cleaners and, even better, cost next to nothing.

What happens when you mix rubbing alcohol and white vinegar? ›

The substance formed by the neutralization of rubbing alcohol and vinegar is called isopropyl acetate. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a fruity smell and has many industrial uses, such as in the production of paints, coatings, and perfumes.

Is it safe to mix white vinegar and isopropyl alcohol? ›

Originally Answered: Is combining vinegar & rubbing alcohol safe? As other answers note, it's harmless to mix (i.e., won't explode or cause toxic fumes), assuming you're just using it for cleaning, but you're right to ask. There are other common household chemicals that can be seriously dangerous to mix.

Which cleans better vinegar or rubbing alcohol? ›

So, what CAN you use as an all-purpose cleaner around the home? If you love mixing your own cleaners, I recommend using 70% rubbing alcohol. This solution is all-purpose compared to vinegar. It cleans well, and it can also be used to disinfect!

How do I make my own miracle spray? ›

  1. 1.5 litre water (1 cup boiled)
  2. 300ml vinegar.
  3. 60ml dishwashing liquid.
  4. 25ml eucalyptus oil.
  5. 3 dessertspoons Lectric Washing Soda.

What is the best natural disinfectant? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most powerful natural cleaning and disinfecting agents. Health professionals trust it against harmful bacteria, antigens, and viruses.

What should I clean in my house everyday? ›

The two areas of your home that likely require daily cleaning are your kitchen and bathroom. Keep in mind that this could vary according to the homeowner. If you find that you don't cook every day, you might not have to clean your kitchen as often.

How can I make my house really clean? ›

13 Efficient Housecleaning Tips
  1. Create a housecleaning plan. ...
  2. Declutter and organize. ...
  3. Gather all your cleaning supplies. ...
  4. Start cleaning from the top. ...
  5. Clean up stray pet hair. ...
  6. Use the vacuum cleaner to its fullest potential. ...
  7. Wipe mirrors and glass. ...
  8. Disinfect countertops and surface areas.
Feb 22, 2024

How can I disinfect my house naturally? ›

Here's how to do it: Combine 1 1/2 cups rubbing alcohol with 3/4 cups water and 15 drops each of lavender and lemon essential oil in a metal or glass spray bottle. You can use this spray to disinfect everything you would typically use Lysol for, including toilets, laptops, bathrooms surfaces, door handles, and more.

How do you make heavy duty all-purpose cleaner? ›

Mix the ingredients: Add the following to a glass spray bottle: 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol, 3/4 cup water, 5 to 10 drops of essential oil, and 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid soap. Use the alcohol-based cleaner safely: Shake the spray bottle well before each use.

What is the best homemade cleaner and disinfectant? ›

To make your own disinfecting spray that can be safely used on a variety of surfaces around your home, just combine the following ingredients in a large glass spray bottle: 1 cup water, 1 cup white vinegar, 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol, 20 drops lemon essential oil, 20 drops tea tree essential oil.

What is the number one all-purpose cleaner? ›

Clean Clean Freak Deep Cleaning Mist. Mr. Clean's Clean Freak spray is our number one pick because it's a multi-purpose solution available in a handy spray bottle that can be used everywhere from your kitchen to your bathroom. The spray is designed to coat your surfaces in an even mist from any angle.

What is a 2 ingredient all-purpose cleaner? ›

My all-purpose cleaner combines two must-haves for budget-minded cleaning enthusiasts: Dawn dishwashing liquid and white vinegar. Both are excellent for cleaning—Dawn for its grease and grime-fighting powers and vinegar for its acidic muscle, good for cleaning dirt and build-ups.

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