Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey Recipe (2024)

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This Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey Recipe may sound a little different, but I think you will be surprised at the delicious results. Time and time again this turkey recipe and method has proved to be a real winner and has become the easiest part of a meal during the holiday season.

Over the years, we’ve cooked turkey every which of way: roasted and basted, and basted, and basted with all kinds of combinations of ingredients, roasted in a bag, fried (of course, we’re Southerners), we’ve brined and have gone brine-less. Honestly, I think less is best in my book. Less messing. Less stuff. Less fretting. Less time waiting.

When it comes to cooking turkey, this recipe for a Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey definitely calls for less. Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey is pretty straightforward. And no, it doesn’t taste like mayonnaise. I promise. This is just one of the methods we use to cook turkey, but after great results each time, moist turkey, that tastes like turkey, hands-down, it’s our preferred way so far.

Before I get to the mayo method, let’s talk turkey.

Tips for Cooking Turkey:

  • Bigger isn’t always better. A large turkey doesn’t equal large taste. So if you have a big group to feed, I’d recommend getting two smaller turkeys. Smaller turkeys (I’d say 12-13 lbs) are harder to come by, but look for them. Hunt them down.
  • No additional “stuff.” You may need to call around to find a turkey without all the junkity-junk, but it’s worth it. You may pay more per pound, but you won’t be paying for all that extra plumping or whatever it is. A good rule of thumb someone once told me is no more than 4 ingredients on the packaging. Remember, less is best.
  • Use a meat thermometer and cook for proper time. Turkey doesn’t need to take 4 hours to cook. I promise. Make sure you have a good meat thermometer that stays in the turkey and can be monitored from outside the oven. We like to insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh (without touching bone) for monitoring while cooking, but you’ll also want to check the thickest part of the breast before removing from oven, so an externally monitored internal meat thermometer is handy. Whatever meat thermometer(s) you use, just be sure to test them ahead of the big day for accuracy.
  • Cook temperature and time for roasting a turkey is basic and simple. Roast high for a short time, then turn down until theinternal temperature reaches 165-degrees F. See recipe below for temperatures, etcetera. You’ll be surprised how quickly it reaches the proper internal temperature, depending on size, 2 hours or less!
  • Let it rest. That turkey has been working and it’s hot, man. Let it rest, covered, for at least 20-30 minutes (depending on size) before carving. It will help retain the juices and all the goodness. The internal temperature will continue to rise as it rests as well.
  • To brine or not to brine? If you like to brine and you’ve got the time, brine away… brine until you dine, in the sunshine, it’ll be fine. We’ve brined and we’ve gone brine-less. Honestly, I tend to be bad at planning, so I usually forget until it’s past the prime time to brine. Plus, I think when you invest in a good turkey, as mentioned before, with no additives or plumped up with extras, not too large, and roasted correctly, you might find that brining may not be all that necessary.
  • And finally, practice. Cook turkey more than just during the holidays. Try out different techniques. Brine, don’t brine. Test different basting combos. Feeling confident about cooking your turkey will help make the day of celebrating more enjoyable for you. And tasty too!

How to Cook Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey

Okay, now for the Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey. I know, it sounds weird, but like I said before, it does deliver a moist and tasty bird. And, it’s simple. Let meshow you. Mix herbs (fresh or dried) with mayonnaise. Weused herbs wehad on hand from the garden. Feel free to experiment with different herb and seasoning combinations. And of course, dried herbs may be substituted. Use the 1/3 dried versus fresh rule. Dried herbs are more potent.

Chopped celery, and onion, salt, pepper, and a stick of butter for good measure, round out the ingredients needed, other than the bird.

Prep theturkey in a roasting pan. Make sure it’s thawed y’all, I’ve made that mistake before. Rub the mayo/herb mixture all over and inside of the turkey. Season with salt and pepper, add the celery, onion, inside and out, and tuck the butter in the cavity.

Roast in a 450-degree F oven for 30 minutes. Turn the oven down to 350-degrees F, and insert the meat thermometer at this point in the thickest part of the thigh. Be careful to not touch bone. Some say insert it into the thickest part of the breast, we’ve done that too, but now use the thigh as the measure andthen check the breast to make sure it reads the proper temperature as well before removing from oven.

Continue roasting, uncovered, until internal thermometer reaches 165-degrees F. If you’re concerned with the legs getting dried out, cover them partway through cooking with foil. Sometimes I do, this time I didn’t. Keep an eye on it during cooking to see if it’s needed.

Let it rest and carve.

Now enjoy with your favorite side dishes and of course gravy!

Speaking of gravy, save those drippings in the roasting pan. You’ll need those for the gravy. Turkey needs a friend. ThisTurkey Gravy Recipewillshow you how easy it is to make your own gravy.

More delicious recipes to serve with yourMayonnaise Roasted Turkey:

  • Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe
  • Slow Cooker Mac and Cheese Recipe
  • Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe with Pecan Topping

Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey Recipe

Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey Recipe (9)

Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey

Yield: 12

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 2 hours

Total Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

This recipe for a Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey definitely calls for less. It's pretty straightforward. And no, it doesn't taste like mayonnaise. This is just one of the methods we use, but after great results each time, moist turkey, that tastes like turkey, hand-down. It's our preferred method year after year.


  • 12-14 lb. whole turkey, (totally thawed, tee-totally thawed)
  • 6-7 fresh sage leaves,* rough chopped
  • 5-6 fresh thyme stems
  • 2-3 springs of rosemary
  • 2-3 springs of oregano
  • 1 1/2 cups of mayonnaise
  • 1-2 tablespoons coarse salt
  • 1-2 tablespoons pepper
  • 3 stalks celery, rough chopped
  • 1 large onion, rough chopped
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, salted
  • (adjust all seasonings & mayonnaise as needed for size of bird)


  1. Preheat oven to 450-degrees F.
  2. Lay turkey in a roasting pan.
  3. Remove leaves from herbs stems. Add sage, thyme, rosemary, and oregano to mayonnaise; combine well. Rub mayonnaise/herb mixture all over outside and interior of bird.
  4. Liberally salt, and pepper turkey. Add the celery, and onion, inside and out, and tuck the butter in the cavity.
  5. Roast turkey in 450-degrees F oven for 30 minutes. Then turn the oven down to 350-degrees F, and insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh, being careful not to touch bone. Continue roasting, uncovered, until internal thermometer reaches 165-degrees F. Cover legs with foil partway through roasting if desired. Depending on size of turkey, total cook time will be around 1 1/2-2 hours. Once the thermometer reaches 165-degrees F in the thigh, check the internal temperature of the thickest part of the breast to make sure it reads at least 165-degrees F as well.
  6. Remove from oven. Cover loosely with foil and let rest for at least 20-30 minutes (depending on size) before carving.
  7. Remember to reserve turkey drippings and juices for gravy.


*Dried herbs may be substituted. A rule of thumb is to use 1/3 dried versus fresh. See more notes in original post.

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Originally published November 8, 2011.

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Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey Recipe (2024)


Why do you put mayonnaise on a turkey? ›

Mayo adds moisture throughout the cooking process, keeping the meat moist so there's no need to brine it beforehand.

Is Mayo a good binder for turkey? ›

Yep. Apply a thin coat of good-ol' mayonnaise to you turkey breasts before seasoning, and you'll get better adhesion and better “bark.” The proteins in the mayo act as a simple glue when they heat up, binding with the spices.

Is it better to cook a turkey at 325 or 350? ›

Oven-Roasted Turkey

We recommend starting the turkey in a 425 degree oven for 30-45 minutes before tenting the pan with foil and lowering the temperature to 350 degrees until a meat thermometer reads 165 degrees when inserted into the thickest part of the bird.

Why put an onion in a turkey? ›

An easy turkey tip: Peel and quarter an onion or two and nestle it into the cavity of your turkey. Alliums like onions and shallots add flavor and a bit of moisture to poultry. The onion and shallot flavor also pairs well with other onion-infused sides like dressing and green bean casserole.

What is the best condiment for turkey? ›

Mayonnaise is favored by the majority, however. (Both Hellmann's and Duke's have adamant fan bases.) Mayo is a simple and apt pairing when the sandwich consists of richly flavored dark meat. Pat Eby takes it up a notch, though, mixing equal parts of Duke's with a country Dijon.

Can I use mayonnaise instead of eggs as a binder? ›

There are more than a few reasons why mayo makes sense as a substitute for egg wash. Since they both share the same main ingredient (eggs), they function in very similar ways. Much like egg wash acts as a binding agent to help seasonings and breadcrumbs stick to meat, creamy mayonnaise also manages to do the same.

What to coat turkey with before cooking? ›

Before going into the oven, the bird is coated in a simple, flavorful butter rub mixed with rosemary, sage, and thyme, which makes the skin crispy and golden, and the meat moist and flavorful.

What mayonnaise do chefs prefer? ›

But there is one store-bought mayo that nearly every professional chef and in-the-know food lover keeps in their chill chest: Kewpie. This Japanese brand has long been the secret weapon of the mayonnaise arsenal for those in the know.

What is the secret to a moist turkey? ›

Brine your turkey for the best juicy bird.

In recent years, brining has become more popular and can be done with either a wet or dry brine. A wet brine involves immersing the turkey in a salt-water solution for 12-24 hours. Dry-brining is where salt is rubbed over the turkey skin for 24-48 hours before cooking.

Should you bake a turkey covered or uncovered? ›

To achieve a perfectly golden, juicy turkey, let the bird spend time both covered and uncovered in the oven. We recommend covering your bird for most of the cooking time to prevent it from drying out; then, during the last 30 minutes or so of cooking, remove the cover so the skin crisps in the hot oven.

How does Bobby Flay roast a turkey? ›

Put the turkey on top of the vegetables, put in the oven and roast in the oven for 45 minutes, or until lightly golden brown. Reduce the heat to 350 and continue roasting, basting with the warm chicken stock every 15 minutes until basting with some of the chicken stock every 15 minutes, about 2 to 2 ¼ hours longer.

Should I cover turkey with foil? ›

But if you are roasting the turkey, be it whole turkey, breast, or leg on a regular roasting pan, foil is a good option. Basically the foil works in the same way a lid works—by trapping steam so the turkey stays moist throughout the roasting process. Simply tent the foil so that it loosely covers the whole turkey.

How long does a 20lb turkey take at 350? ›

The simplest way to roast a whole turkey: The most straightforward approach is to roast an unstuffed turkey, breast-side up, for 13 minutes per pound of turkey at 350°.

How long to roast a 7 lb turkey at 325? ›

Regular Oven 325°

2¼-2¾ hrs. 7-10 lbs. 2½-3 hrs. 2¾-3½ hrs.

What does mayonnaise do for meat? ›

Adding Heinz Mayonnaise to your steak marinade allows that rich flavor that you love to seep into the meat. Adding spices & liquids like in my recipe below, helps to have the mayonnaise attach to the beef and hold. The creaminess of the mayonnaise creates a great start for making a crust.

What does mayonnaise do to raw meat? ›

Mayonnaise is a great release agent for meat, and is particularly helpful for grilling chicken and fish. And where oil only heats and browns the food thermally, mayonnaise is able to brown food chemically — that golden-brown color — through what is known as the Maillard reaction.

Why do you coat meat in mayonnaise? ›

Mayo solves this problem by diluting and coating the sugars with fat and egg protein. Combining a sweet sauce with mayonnaise before rubbing it on the meat allows you to grill as hot as you like without risk of burning. Also, that sauce flavor really sticks to the meat.

Why do people put mayo on chicken before cooking? ›

The mayo will lock in moisture and will improve the browning on the grill, leaving you with delicious, charred grill marks that will take your chicken to the next level. Once you try this mayo marinade you won't grill chicken without it again.

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