Vegan Lemon Olive Oil Cake Recipe (2024)

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The best ever vegan lemon olive oil cake with lemon curd, cream cheese frosting, lemon blueberry sauce and fresh blackberries. Extra lemony, lusciously beautiful, the perfect cake for any special occasion, from summer parties to Christmas dinner, make this a new family tradition!

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This vegan olive oil cake has been one of my most requested recipes to veganize to date! So I really took my time testing and retesting to make sure it was at least as good if not better than the original vegetarian version. It’s 100% there you guys and I hope you give it a go soon!

What is an Olive Oil Cake?

A simple moist cake that uses olive oil instead of butter as a main ingredient for its fat content. It ads tons of moisture and beautiful fruity flavor but you won’t really be tasting the olive oil per se. It’s the perfect lemon cake for Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, Summer Garden Parties, Thanksgiving and Birthdays! It’s the Cake!

Easy and relatively quick to make in spite of the multiple steps and components. I wanted to go all out with the fillings and really indulge here, however the cake is perfectly delicious on its own with a heavy sprinkling of powder sugar and a double espresso. That being said, don’t feel like you have to go all if you don’t want to. It’s ok to keep it simple or make these vegan brownies instead!

How to Make Vegan Lemon Olive Oil Cake

  1. You’ll only need one 9 inch spring form cake pan to bake one cake from which we are going to make a two layer cake.
  2. Start by making your fillings a day in advance if possible. The lemon curd, cream cheese frosting and blueberry sauce all need to be chilled completely before assembling the cake.
  3. Bake the cake according to the easy recipe and allow it to cool off completely before slicing in half and dressing it up with all the fillings.

Vegan Lemon Olive Oil Cake Fillings

  • Lemon Curd – For extra lemony flavor I used my eggless mango curd recipe as the base filling in lieu of the classic lemon curd.
  • Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting – Whipped plant based cream cheese mixed with whipped coconut cream yields the most luscious dairy-free frosting reminiscent of mascarpone.
  • Blueberry Sauce – Fresh blueberries and lemon juice are cooked down together with maple syrup and vanilla for an extra layer of berrylicious flavor. This also adds extra moisture to the cake so don’t skip it. Alternatively raspberries or strawberries can be used instead of blueberries.

The Cake Batter

It’s a rich batter made with extra light olive oil and full fat coconut milk whisked together with lemon, sugar and vanilla. It’s perfection really, and it comes together in no time. The wet and dry ingredients are combined separately then folded together just before baking.

The Baking Time

Keep a close eye on your cake and check for doneness at the 45 minute mark. For some reason sometimes it takes longer than other times, just take care not to overtake it. A toothpick inserted in the center should come out clean or almost dry when the cake is ready.


I used fresh blackberries and lemon thyme blossoms, you could choose raspberry or candied citrus instead, favorite edible flowers, whatever is having a moment.

On Storage

  • The cake can be kept at room temperature for a few days without the fillings and frosting. Wrap in parchment paper or place in a cake box.
  • Once filled the cake must be stored covered in the refrigerator for up to one week. Because of the cream cheese frosting and blueberry sauce I don’t recommend keeping it at room temperature for more than a couple of hours.
  • Freezing – If desired the cake can also be frozen without any of the fillings. Wrap in parchment paper or place in a freezer proof lidded container.

Serving + Make Ahead

This berry lemon cake is best served after being chilled for a couple of hours for all the fillings to properly set just like this vegan cheesecake. In my opinion it gets better with time and tastes even more delicious the second day which makes this a great make ahead show stopper dessert.

Vegan Lemon Olive Oil Cake Recipe (10)

5 from 5 votes

Vegan Lemon Olive Oil Cake

The best ever vegan lemon cake with olive oil, lemon curd, cream cheese frosting, lemon blueberry sauce and fresh blackberries.

Print Recipe

Prep Time:25 minutes mins

Cook Time:50 minutes mins

chill time:1 hour hr

Total Time:2 hours hrs 15 minutes mins


  • 9 Inch Spring Form Cake Pan


Dry Ingredients

Wet Ingredients

Cake Fillings

  • 1 batch vegan lemon curd

Lemon Blueberry Sauce

Cream Cheese Layer

  • 3/4 lb vegan cream cheese
  • 1.5 cup whipped coconut cream stiff (store bought is great)
  • zest from 1 lemon


  • 1/4 cup edible flowers
  • 1 lb fresh blackberries


  • Prepare the lemon curd in advance and refrigerate until needed. This step can be done a couple of days in advance.

Blueberry Sauce

  • Combine the blueberries, lemon juice, vanilla and maple syrup in a small saucepan. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook until the blueberries start to burst, a couple of minutes or so. Remove from heat, allow to cool and refrigerate until needed.

Make the Cream Cheese Filling

  • Use a mixer with a whisk attachment to whip the cream cheese on medium low speed until soft and creamy.

  • Using a spatula fold the whipped coconut cream into the whipped cream cheese until combined. Make sure to not over mix. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate while you make the cake.

Bake the Cake

  • Preheat your oven to 350”F.

  • In a medium bowl whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, lemon zest and sea salt.

  • In another bowl whisk the olive oil, coconut milk, lemon juice and vanilla. Pour on top of the dry ingredients and using a spatula fold just until combined. Do not overmix as that will result in a dense cake.

  • Lightly oil the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan and line with parchment paper cut to size. Place on a baking sheet.

  • Pour the cake batter inside the cake pan and bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

  • Transfer the cake to a cooling rack and allow to cool off completely. Once cooled remove from the springform pan by releasing the sides first, then remove the bottom. (this step should be really easy specially if you lined the bottom with parchment paper).

Assemble the Layer Cake

  • Use a serrated knife and very carefully slice a thin layer off of the top of the cake to remove the crust and expose the soft center.

  • Proceed with care and now slice the cake in half as to have two circles. Place the bottom part on a plate or cake stand, whatever you want to serve your cake on.

  • Spread the lemon curd on top of the bottom layer of the cake. Spoon half of the cream cheese filling on top followed by half of the blueberry sauce and a few fresh blackberries.

  • Add the second cake layer and cover with the remaining of the blueberry sauce. Top with the remainder of the whipped cream cheese mix and use the back of a spatula to spread it around as best as you can.

  • Sprinkle the top of the cake with the fresh blackberries reserving some to decorate the sides of the cake by gently pressing each berry into the filling on the sides.

  • Garnish with edible flower blossoms and chill for a couple of hours or overnight before serving.


  • Keep it Simple - This cake is also absolutely delicious with just a sprinkling of powder sugar on top.
  • Lemon Glaze - Alternatively you can skip all the fillings and frosting and cover the cake with a simple lemon glaze made with 1 cup powdered sugar + 1/4 cup cashew milk + 1 tbsp lemon juice. Whisk until smooth and pour over the cake once it has cooled down completely.
  • Line the Cake Pan - To prevent the batter from sticking line the bottom of the cake pan with parchment paper cut to fit the size and shape of the pan.
  • Avoid Over-Mixing - Folding your ingredients is key here to avoid a dense heavy cake.


Calories: 542kcal | Carbohydrates: 59g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 34g | Saturated Fat: 16g | Sodium: 396mg | Potassium: 253mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 32g | Vitamin A: 104IU | Vitamin C: 14mg | Calcium: 50mg | Iron: 3mg

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: Italian

Keyword: lemon cake, olive oil cake, vegan cake

Servings: 12 people

Calories: 542kcal

Author: Florentina

Vegan Lemon Olive Oil Cake Recipe (2024)


Is olive oil too strong for a cake? ›

Baking a cake with olive oil might seem like an estranged concept, but we highly recommend it. Olive oil leaves your cake sponge incredibly delicate, moist, and spongy and removes the chance of the sponge being heavy or dense.

Can I use olive oil in cake recipe? ›

Yes, it's true! Extra virgin olive oil is a great substitute for butter or other fats when baking cakes. It gives cakes a wonderfully moist texture and a light, subtle flavor that pairs perfectly with other ingredients like fresh fruit and nuts. Plus, it's healthy and packed with antioxidants and healthy fats.

Why are olive oil cakes so good? ›

Why It Works. High-quality olive oil ensures a cake that is rich, flavorful, and moist. The thick texture of buttermilk provides structure to the batter for a cake that's tangy and light. The subtle aroma of lemon zest and orange flower water adds dimension to the cake and elevates the character of the olive oil.

Where do the Kardashians get olive oil cake? ›

Los Angeles based Little House Confections has become a viral sensation with their Instagram-famous "bomb ass olive oil cake". You may have noticed the beautiful, powdered sugar dusted cakes in your feed.

Why is my olive oil cake so dense? ›

Several things could contribute to a dense olive oil cake, including overmixing the batter, using too much flour, or not incorporating enough air into the batter during mixing.

What makes a cake more moist, oil or butter? ›

Why does oil give cake superior texture? Butter is 18% water, so when the batter is baked, some of its liquid evaporates. Replacing the water from the butter with oil means there's more fat left in the cakes to ensure tenderness.

What is the healthiest oil for baking cakes? ›

Extra virgin olive oil is my number-one favourite, and you'll notice that I use this oil in most of my recipes - yes, including desserts, cakes, cookies and even chocolate! This oil is beautiful-tasting, velvety and brimming with health benefits: it's a rich source of antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids.

What happens if you bake a cake with olive oil instead of vegetable oil? ›

Baking with Olive Oil

If substituting olive oil for vegetable oil (or another cooking oil) in your baking recipe, you can use a 1:1 ratio. Because of olive oil's distinct flavor, it might affect the flavor of the baked product.

What kind of olive oil is best for olive oil cake? ›

If you want the benefits of an olive oil cake but don't want any noticeable flavor added from the olive oil, use olive oils that have a mild intensity like a Spanish Arbequina or Greek Koroneiki.

What type of olive oil is best for olive oil cake? ›

The short answer: nothing too pricey, nothing too cheap, but somewhere in the middle, Goldilocks-style. You definitely want an olive oil with “extra-virgin” on the label, but you don't have to shell out for fancy-shmancy single-estate stuff.

Does olive oil go bad? ›

Olive oil will last 18 to 24 months after it wa made if the bottle is unopened. Once a bottle of olive oil has been opened, Ricchiuti advises consuming it within three to six months. “Keeping good quality oil in the house starts with buying good quality olive oil,” Ricchiuti says.

Should olive oil cake be refrigerated? ›

Your olive oil cake will keep well for 4 days in an airtight container at room temperature. If frosted, it needs to be kept refrigerated. Let the cake cool fully before storing.

Why did my olive oil cake fall? ›

This is because too much batter in one cake tin may result in the weight of the batter being too much for the cake to support, causing the cake to collapse and sink in the middle as it bakes. This is especially true for cake recipes which have a more softer, delicate structure to them, which many of my cake recipes do.

What is the shelf life of olive oil cake? ›

Kosterina cake will stay fresh at room temperature for up to 4 days, after which time it should be refrigerated - the cake will remain fresh in the refrigerator for another 5-7 days. Cakes can also be frozen and enjoyed, once thawed, for up to 3 weeks.

What kind of olive oil do you use for olive oil cake? ›

If you want the benefits of an olive oil cake but don't want any noticeable flavor added from the olive oil, use olive oils that have a mild intensity like a Spanish Arbequina or Greek Koroneiki.

What oil does Kylie use? ›

"Almond oil or olive oil or jojoba oil," she tells Kardashian of her preferred oils, admitting that, like so many of us, she used to mispronounce jojoba.

What makes a cake more moist oil or butter? ›

Why does oil give cake superior texture? Butter is 18% water, so when the batter is baked, some of its liquid evaporates. Replacing the water from the butter with oil means there's more fat left in the cakes to ensure tenderness.

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